Leighton Linslade Heritage Day – Saturday 11th October 2003

Well didn’t we have a lovely day, the day we went to Leighton Linslade (sixties event), well I think so, blue skies, sun blazing down, a bit nippy though first thing . This write up has been made in the absence of Donegal Paul, No I don’t know why he didn’t want to come, perhaps he knew something we didn’t, perhaps it was something I said, perhaps he broke down mentally……….err no I mean on the way to the Piazza…….. Oh! No that’s right not the Piazza its Saturday and the markets on, OK the pub just over the bridge says Squirrel, no I think its in that bit next to the Piazza by the Magistrates Court, oh well probably in Bedford somewhere.
So its 8:30am and everyone seems to have found one another, only six or seven Scoots so far, waiting for one more, Lee is on his way so not as many as hoped, but glad to see just about everyone has made a big effort to arrive in sixty’s gear, blue denims, parka’s, etc. ! !

Quite a long ride to Leighton Linslade, 22.91 miles approximately, well that seems further when your finger tips are colder than most of Captain Birds Eye’s best selling products. On route we come close to experiencing the wild life, Woburn Wildlife Safari Park that is, and onward ever onward I’m glad I know the way, it’s simple just follow the scoot in front of me, and I have to say going up the hills just about every scooter, is in front of me.

We arrive about 9:45am, we are guided to “Waterborne Walk” sounds nice, a special part reserved for scooters, but wait a minute it looks just like, a nicely block paved dark alley way, far from the main action, there are deep rumblings, well lets go and find somewhere that does hot food and tea’s, a suitable mobile cafe fits the bill and suitably refreshed, its time to find the organizers, they seem to be a team of females from Leighton Linslade Town Council, now who’s in charge, we corner two of the officials on the ground, two girls I’m sure I’ve previously seen
serving in McDonalds, “take us to your leader” err…….err…….. they soon crack……her name is Mein Heir Grapen-Furah Donna, OK you phone her now, tell her we want to move closer to the action, By this time, teething rings, rattles and pink fluffy teddy bears litter the ground, tell her we want to move! we want to move!, the message comes back “vee have vays of making you stay kaput, you vill obey, it is in vee program you must stay kaput” ………….right were going to scweem and scweem and scweem, look how would you like to be shoved up a back passage?………….OK OK you asked for it, Mein Heir Grapen-Furah Donna is coming down here in two minutes she is not happy! Suddenly we split into two groups to create a diversion, one group speed of mumbling come on lets just move the scooters now anyway, the others remain to face off Donna, she arrives,tall blonde knee high black kinkyboots whip and catwoman mask, oopsno that’s not her, just dreaming, she arrives again a brisk exchange of views ensues Donna who is actually a very nice lady, sees sense and agrees to move the scooters to our chosen location just outside the Golden Bell Public House next to the classic cars and bikes, just as well really as nearly all the scooters are now parked up just there.

As the Day progresses three or four more scooters arrive, plenty of interest from the public (Did you know I used to have one of those but it was a TV125 with brass knobs on) and plenty of scooter chat nostalgia and ambitions of future projects.

Apparently the Town Crier was sent over to show how effective crying can be.

Finally its over to the Pop Idol judges to give us their opinions of the Leighton Linslade Living History Day.
First Dr Fox, “Over all it was a good event and fairly well organized well done”.
Secondly the only lady on the panel Nicky, “A good day out, well attended with a variety of different attractions Market Stalls, Shops, Classic Cars, Classic Bikes, Classic Scooters, Live Music, capped by beautiful sunny weather”.
Pete Waterman “Well I’ve seen a lot of performances and this one was outstandingly average, and the money spent by the organizers was little more than I spend on filling up my Rolls Royce”.
Simon Cowell “Quite honestly running an event like this is no easy task, and takes skill, expertise, creativity and sheer determination, but this lot couldn’t run a bath!

PS: Only joking thanks for the day and well done, must go now my spell checker has overheated and partially seized, Bye..

Allan Jones